The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion: Vol. 1 (The Unselected Journals #1) by Beth Brower

Summary (from the publisher): “I’ve arrived in London without incident. There are few triumphs in my recent life, but I count this as one. My existence of the last three years has been nothing but incident.”

The Year is 1883 and Emma M. Lion has returned to her London neighbourhood of St. Crispian’s. But Emma’s plans for a charmed and studious life are sabotaged by her eccentric Cousin Archibald, her formidable Aunt Eugenia, and the slightly odd denizens of St. Crispian’s.

Emma M. Lion offers up her Unselected Journals, however self-incriminating they may be, which comprise a series of novella-length volumes. Armed with wit and a sideways amusement, Emma documents the curious realities of her life at Lapis Lazuli House.

Review: It is 1883 and Emma Lion has returned to London and life at Lapis Lazuli House after three years. After the death of her parents some years earlier, Emma was left with few relatives that cared for her and few options. Her world includes her eccentric Cousin Archibald (with whom she must share her home), her Aunt Eugenia, a cousin, a few friends, and a tenant of an apartment her cousin created on one side of Lapis Lazuli House. In short journal entries, Emma records her life and attempts to wrestle her inheritance into her own hands and navigate life as a single lady with few supports. 

This was such a delightful read. Emma is witty and the journal entries come across as very tongue-in-cheek and charming. She reminds me of a Josephine March or an Anne of Green Gables. She remains very levelheaded, independent, and resilient no matter what life throws at her. She has such a delightful take on the world and way with words, like describing her cousin by saying, "He's not only thin in person, he's thin in humour and spirit and character" (6). Or describing the weather by saying, "Rain, dismal enough to be cosy" (17). 

This was ultimately a very brief read that was clearly setting up the scene for the next installment in this series. I couldn't help but be intrigued by Emma's fate and immediately started reading the second volume in this series upon finishing this. 

Stars: 4


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