To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgertons #5) by Julia Quinn


Summary (from the publisher): Eloise Bridgerton couldn't marry a man she had never met! But before she knew it, she was in a hired carriage in the middle of the night, on her way to meet the man she hoped might be her perfect match.

Except . . . he wasn't. Her perfect husband wouldn't be so moody and ill-mannered, and while Phillip was certainly handsome, he was rough and rugged, and totally unlike the London gentlemen vying for her hand. But when he smiled . . . and when he kissed her . . . the rest of the world simply fell away. Could this imperfect man be perfect for her?

Review: This novel chronicles the love story of the fifth born Bridgerton sibling, Miss Eloise Bridgerton. In previous books, Eloise has made it clear her resistance to convention and to marrying just for the sake of marriage. In fact, she is now of an age to be called a spinster. But when she strikes up writing letters to the widower of a distant cousins, she spontaneously decides to go and meet him after he proposes marriage through the mail. But is Sir Phillip really the perfect match for Eloise?

This one was a disappointment! In all the other novels, Eloise is presented as the outspoken and independent sister who is more than willing to defy convention and turn down proposals unless the man was a true love match. Yet in this novel we see her throwing her independence away because an unknown man wrote her a letter and he needs a mother for his motherless twins. Even worse, Sir Phillip is grumpy and sort of awful! A totally absent parent, he becomes an absent spouse and is always out doing some undefined work as a botanist. 

I had pictured many love stories for Eloise, who is presented as an intellectual fond of reading and writing. But an isolated country estate taking care of two misbehaving children and a husband who only connects to her physically wasn't it. The relationship does shape up as the book goes on but it still seemed out of character and a disappointment after all the build up for Eloise's character over the last four books. 

Stars: 3

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