A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future

Summary (from the publisher): The future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers-creative and holistic "right-brain" thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn't. Drawing on research from around the world, Pink outlines the six fundamentally human abilities that are absolute essentials for professional success and personal fulfillment-and reveals how to master them. A Whole New Mind takes readers to a daring new place, and a provocative and necessary new way of thinking about a future that's already here.

Review: Pink's book A Whole New Mind takes a look at what will continue to be prized in the professional world in the post-NAFTA world. To be successful, the upcoming generation will need to be right-brain thinkers - they need to be artistic designers and storytellers, not just left brain knowledge workers. 

I really liked Pink's analogies and explanation of why this shift is occurring. I was less enthralled by the second half of the book that details the six "senses" that the right brain individual will need to develop to be successful. Although the later chapters were interesting (example: I loved the insight into emotional intelligence and mini overview of reading facial expressions) and I did enjoy checking out the sites he referenced, I felt that they deviated from Pink's original thesis. The second half of the book seemed like filler compared to the first half that actually outlined the future of thinking in the US.

This book confirmed and expanded on trends companies and other recent news articles have demonstrated in recent years since the publishing of this book in 2006. I'd love to read a follow up on Pink on further examples and trends since the writing of this book. 

Stars: 4


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