The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion: Vol. 4 (The Unselected Journals #4) by Beth Brower


Summary (from the publisher): "It all began very innocently. Truly."

The Year is 1883 and Emma M. Lion has returned to her London neighborhood of St. Crispian’s. But Emma’s plans for a charmed and studious life are sabotaged by her eccentric Cousin Archibald, her formidable Aunt Eugenia, and the slightly odd denizens of St. Crispian’s.

Emma M. Lion offers up her Unselected Journals, however self-incriminating they may be, which comprise a series of volumes. Armed with wit and a sideways amusement, Emma documents the curious realities of her life at Lapis Lazuli House.

Readers have compared Beth Brower's writing to Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, P.G. Wodehouse, and L.M. Montgomery.

Review: Volume four continues the delightful journal entries of Emma M. Lion, who continues to try to reclaim Lapis Lazuli House from her eccentric Cousin Archibald and grows ever closer to her tenant Niall Pierce and her friend the Duke of Islington. 

I appreciated that this book dives a bit more into Emma's past, specifically her lost love Maxwell. We see Emma being vulnerable around her friends and developing much deeper connections to the people in her life. Just like the other installments in this series, there are many moments of humor and quick wit mixed into the more serious moments of the book. And I love the possible love triangle brewing on the horizon!

I don't want to reveal any spoilers so I will leave it there but suffice it to say that I love this series. I adore Emma just as much as it seems most everyone in her life does (with the great exception of Cousin Archibald). She is plucky and brave and never lets her circumstances get her down for long!

Stars: 4

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