For a Lifetime (Timeless #3) by Gabrielle Meyer


Summary (from the publisher): Grace and Hope are identical twin sisters born with the ability to time-cross together between 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, and 1912 New York City. As their twenty-fifth birthday approaches, they will have to choose one life to keep and one to leave behind forever--no matter the cost. In 1692, they live and work in their father's tavern, where they must watch helplessly as the witch trials unfold in their village, threatening everyone. With the help of a handsome childhood friend, they search for the truth behind their mother's mysterious death, risking everything to expose a secret that could save their lives--or be their undoing. In 1912, Hope dreams of becoming one of the first female pilots in America, and Grace works as an investigative journalist, uncovering corruption and injustice. After their parents' orphanage is threatened by an adversary, they enter a contest to complete a perilous cross-country flight under the guidance of a daring French aviator. The sisters have already decided which timeline they will choose, but an unthinkable tragedy complicates the future they planned for themselves. As their birthday looms, how will they determine the lives--and loves--that are best for both of them?

Review: This is the third book in the Timeless series and follows identical twin sisters Grace and Hope who were born with the ability to time cross. In one life, they live in 1692 Salem, Massachusetts and when they go to sleep there, they wake up to spend the day in 1912 New York. But as the girls' twenty-fifth birthday approaches, they know they will have to select one of their lives to permanently inhabit and both feel confident that they will choose 1912. In 1692, they are treated as servants in their father's tavern as with trials threaten women throughout their community. But in 1912, they have two loving parents and fulfilling careers, Grace as an investigative journalist and Hope is one of America's first female pilots. But a horrible accident changes their plans and alters the course of both of their lives. 

This is one of my favorite series. It is such a unique take on time travel fiction and Meyer does such an excellent job of weaving the two lives together and making both time periods interesting. This book in the series differed a bit because it featured identical twins. While very different in personalities, they are very bonded and their choice of time period to live in is inevitably linked to their twin and her decision. Meyer has done a good job at weaving in her faith in God and discussing God's path for the characters throughout without it feeling too heavy handed. 

This book did have a slower start than the other two books in the series for me. I am not particularly drawn to either the witch trials or early aviation, so it was probably more a problem with me as a reader than the book. But around halfway through, the plot took a startling turn, and I was fully invested to see what path the sisters would take and how this story would resolve. I loved that the author incorporated a few scenes with characters readers know from other books - although I do wish the twins' parents had been more present characters. 

I love this series. It is so unique, and the author does such a good job at creating tension and buildup as the time travelers approach the need to make a choice about which time period to live in. Another great installment in this series. 

Stars: 4

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