The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion: Vol. 6 (The Unselected Journals #6) by Beth Brower


Summary (from the publisher): There is bedlam, and there is delightful bedlam.
This afternoon touched on the second, much to my pleasure.

The Year is 1884 and Emma M. Lion has, at long last, gained her majority. Entering a golden age of friendship with Pierce, Islington, and Hawkes, Emma is confident she will manage whatever comes her way. It is The Season she must help Arabella secure a husband, while navigating the threat of Aunt Eugenia, the unflagging adoration of Charles Goddard, and the amusing unpredictability of St. Crispian’s. But the secrets of her trusted friends are what might very well bring about disaster.

Emma M. Lion offers up her Unselected Journals, however self-incriminating they may be. Armed with wit and a sideways amusement, Emma documents the curious realities of her life at Lapis Lazuli House.

Readers have compared The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion to Jane Austen, P.G. Wodehouse, L. M. Montgomery, and Jean Webster.

Review: It is 1884 and Emma has finally come of age, meaning she finally has control over her own home and finances. She has solidified a lovely friendship with Pierce, Islington, and Hawkes. But threats to her happiness persist. Her Aunt Eugenia still continues to command her time in pursuit of finding her cousin Arabella a husband, she is pursued by Charles Goddard who believes they will be married, and she must delicately navigate societal proprieties while calling three men her closest friends. 

I continue to love Emma's wit and shenanigans. Despite being closely associated with those in the top tier of society, she finds herself in the funniest scrapes and scenarios that sometimes lead her into establishments that are less than socially approved. I of course wonder how realistic this all would have been for a single young lady, but I love it, nevertheless. 

Brower has done such a good job at drawing this story out while still maintaining my interest. The plot has kept me guessing and there is still much that is unknown and left unexplored, meaning the characters and story is still ripe for more installments. Such fun books with very endearing characters. 

Stars: 4

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