Kirsten and the New Girl (American Girl: Short Stories #9) by Janet Beeler Shaw


Summary (from the publisher): Kirsten is jealous of a new girl at school. But then she finds that she and Nora have more in common than she had wanted to believe.

Review: Kirsten has missed school while she was home sick. When she goes back, she finds everyone is delighted to a new student and Kirsten finds herself jealous by all the attention the new girl is receiving.

The topic of this book felt very relatable and applicable, even for modern day readers. I liked the way Kirsten sought out her mom to discuss the issue she was facing, and I also appreciated the way her feelings are eventually resolved. However, this book did feel very brief, even for one of the short story books. 

As always, I loved the inclusion of a real history lesson and historical photographs following the fictional tale in this book. It was fun reading about friendship and girlhood socializing in the history section of this book. A great way to make the book educational and show that the story was based on real history.  


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