Kirsten Snowbound! (American Girl: Short Stories #15) by Janet Beeler Shaw


Summary (from the publisher): Kirsten and her cousins look after the farm while the adults go to town. There's plenty of work to do, but it seems easy to Kirsten -- until a blizzard hits!

Review: In this Kirsten short story, Kirsten and her cousins are left home alone on the farm while the adults make an errand into town. But when an unexpected fierce blizzard hits, the children work together to survive the storm and stay calm. 

In today's world, it is hard to imagine children being left alone on an isolated farm for an extended period of time without supervision! And also left with a baby in their care no less! But this was the reality of life for early settlers. The children exhibited remarkable sense in securing the door so firmly and sleeping together for warmth. I can't imagine the anxiety of wondering whether or not your mother had been caught in the storm and frozen to death. Or the worry of the parents, who had left their children home alone in such conditions! 

I did love the real history section at the end, which gave an overview on the historical events that inspired this story, the children's blizzard of the late 1880s, which claimed the lives of many. Unlike other Kirsten books, this section was presented like a series of newspaper articles about the blizzard and remarkable and shocking stories of survival and death during the storm. 

Stars: 4

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