Felicity Discovers a Secret (American Girl: Short Stories) by Valerie Tripp


Summary (from the publisher): In 1774 Williamsburg, Virginia, Felicity helps the irritable Mrs. Burnie do laundry and learns a secret that seems to explain her behavior. Includes notes on the history of eyeglasses and instructions for making a pair of lorgnettes, glass lenses attached to elegant handles. In 1774 Williamsburg, Virginia, Felicity helps the irritable Mrs. Burnie do laundry and learns a secret that seems to explain the woman's behavior, in a book that also discusses the history of eyeglasses.

Review: In this sweet short story, Felicity has a run-in with a sour local laundry woman and ends up having to spend time with her. But in doing so, Felicity realizes a secret behind Mrs. Burnie's behavior and goes out of her way to try to help her. 

This was actually a very sweet story that shows Felicity trying to make things right, working alongside someone, and going out of her way to try to help to make her life easier. It also provided a great overview on the history of eyeglasses. As someone who would literally have been a Mrs. Burnie had I lived in colonial days, I could appreciate the story greatly and feel for her plight. 

Stars: 4

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