Meet Felicity (American Girl: Felicity #1) by Valerie Tripp


Summary (from the publisher): Felicity falls in love with a beautiful horse named Penny. When she discovers that the owner is cruel, she is determined to find a way to save Penny.

Review: Felicity is a 9-year-old girl living in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1774. Her father owns a store, and the Felicity is the oldest of three children. Felicity is a spirited girl who isn't satisfied staying home and sewing with her mother. When she learns that a mean drunk named Jiggy Nye is abusing a beautiful new horse that he has recently acquired, Felicity is determined to befriend and rescue the horse, which she names Penny. 

Felicity is such an independent spirit, and I love her heart for helping others and not wanting to see an animal suffer! However, rereading this as an adult is a different experience. It is wild to imagine a young girl sneaking out alone to try to tame a wild horse owned by a hateful man who has expressed aggression towards your family. Felicity defies her parents to help Penny and while I love her heart, it was a dangerous act, and she broke not only her parents' rules but the law. However, it was an exciting, high stakes plot and I'm glad it had a happy ending for both Felicity and Penny. 

Really the only characters explored in any depth in this book are Felicity, her father's apprentice Ben, and Jiffy Nye. Looking forward to seeing more of other characters and more of the exciting escapades of the fearless Lissie in the next book. 

Stars: 4

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