Kirsten and the Chippewa (American Girl: Short Stories #21) by Janet Beeler Shaw


Summary (from the publisher): The Larsons receive a surprise visit from Chippewa Indians. At first, Kirsten is afraid of them, but she soon needs help with her dog Caro, and the Chippewa are there to help. 

Review: Kirsten and her family receive a surprise visit from a group of Chippewa Indians. While Kirsten is at first afraid, and then offended by the Indians, she revises her opinion when one of them helps rescue her dog Caro. 

I thought this was a great short story to help illustrate the type of interactions (and misunderstandings) that Native Americans and early settlers would have had. I really appreciated the historical section in the back of this book in particular, that provides overview and context for the Chippewas. In fact, their tribe's name is actually Ojibwe but were incorrectly called Chippewa but early settlers at the time. 

I had mixed feelings about the title of the book and Kirsten's family referring to them as Chippewa. On the one hand, that is what the Larsons would have called them at the time. On the other hand, it perpetuates the false name and not their true name. But I did appreciate that the book includes an explanation on how the mislabeling occurred and how they typically prefer to be known as today. 

Stars: 4

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