The Butterfly House

Summary (from the publisher):
One tragic night, Bobbie Lee's life unraveled in a single moment. But what if her perception of the past is based on a lie?

In clear, luminous prose, Marcia Preston brings readers the story of three women, connected by friendship, family secrets and a single moment that binds them together forever.

As a child, Bobbie Lee found refuge from her lonely life at her best friend's house. Rockhaven was a place of magic, colored by the butterflies that Cincy Jaines's mother, Lenora, studied. Here Bobbie found the mothering she longed for and a friend with whom to share her secrets. Her friendship with Cincy and Lenora was the compass by which she navigated the changes of adolescence. But when the tangled intimacies between them began to unravel, Rockhaven became a place of unspeakable tragedy. Now, a decade later, the long shadows of that night continue to haunt Bobbie, despite her attempts to hide from the past. And when a stranger with ties to Lenora and Cincy arrives at her doorstep, she is forces to confront the memories she has tried to avoid. And as the dark secret at the heart of the tragedy slowly emerges, Bobbie begins to discover a future of possibilities.

Review: This novel follows the format of beginning at the end of the tale and working backwards to let the reader slowly discover what happened. It centers on Bobbie Lee, whose tragic childhood ended with her mother's death by mysterious means. I liked the rather lyrical narrative style of Preston and the characters. However, I felt like Bobbie's husband, David, wasn't a very well developed character or relationship, which was irritating since he ends up being Bobbie's center and the novel's conclusion.

Stars: 3


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