A Clash of Kings

Summary(from the publisher): A Clash of Kings is the follow-up to A Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin's fabulous introduction to a multilayered epic fantasy adventure that marked one of the most auspicious kickoffs in years. For those who enjoy their fantasy big, thick, and complex -- Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series is for you. Fans of Jordan, Brooks, Goodkind, Feist, and high fantasy escapism in general are recommended -- no, commanded -- to flock to this breathtaking series. You'll be doing yourself an immense favor.

Review: I'm obsessed with this series - you, whoever you are, needs to read them. A Clash of Kings is the second novel in the Song of Ice and Fire series. This book is not for the casual reader - it's nearly 800 pages long, features dozens of characters, thousands of years of history, and no less than a revolving series of 9 points of view that continues where Game of Thrones left off. Following Robert Baratheon's death and Eddard Stark's execution at the hands of the newly crowned Joffrey Baratheon, the Seven Kingdoms begin to fall apart. The Stark family is dispersed and in dire straits all around and the remaining Baratheon brothers Renly and Stannis both call themselves king. Meanwhile, beyond the wall, evil forces begin to brew, and across the seas, Daenerys Targaryen continues her quest to return to rule the Iron Throne. All is in turmoil.

Martin is a master of epic fantasy; I am amazed by his ability to create a whole other universe of lands, abilities, and complicated characters. I think my favorite thing about this series is that I honestly couldn't say who I want to gain the upper hand in the Seven Kingdoms, and characters continue to evolve and become more complex throughout this second novel. Martin creates characters who all have gray morals and who are all just looking out for his/her own family/interests. However, I do have to say that I'm quite fond of Jon Snow, Arya Stark, and Tyrion Lannister who overall seem to have the most good at heart.

These novels are like any great fantasy series (in the same vein as Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings) that allows its readers to be swept up entirely into another world and place, where real rules can be broken and possibilities extend as far as the mind. Also similarly to those series, the novels get dark and desperate the further into the series you get. My one complaint with A Clash of Kings is that it would have been nice to see at least one character have something really good happen to him or her in this novel. I understand that contesting rulers and war creates turmoil, but the kingdom is wide, and some happiness would have been encouraging, in the midst of bleak death and destruction. However, I have no doubt that the characters have much more ahead of them, some of which will (hopefully) be for the good.

Stars: 5


  1. I loved this review. Im obsessed with this series as well. I've read all of the books and am impatiently waiting for the next one to be published. I think Storm of Swords is my favorite in the series.


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